About Us

  • SDR-Kits is a very small family business which Jan Verduyn, a licensed Amateur with callsign G5BBL, started in 2008 after retiring from a lifetime working in Maritime Communications and the Cellular Networks in a variety of technical and management roles.
  • The first product of SDR-Kits was the highly successful QRP2000 USB Controlled Synthesizer kit using the Si570 chip, which gave the very popular Softrock SDR RXTX Transceiver kit (sold by Tony Parks KB9YIG in the USA) full and Multiband coverage from 1.8 MHz to 30 MHz.  The hardware design by Jan with firmware by Tom Baier DG8SAQ was the first Si570 synthesizer kit to appear in the market and has been built by many Users over the years.

  • This was followed by the DG8SAQ VNWA 2 Vector Network Analyzer, - brainchild of Tom Baier DG8SAQ, which we at SDR-Kits sold first as a kit of parts in 2009 until 2010. In 2010 we introduced the fully assembled and tested VNWA 3 and VNWA 3E -  a low cost but very capable Vector Network Analyzer of which thousands are currently in use Worldwide by Users ranging from University Students and Scientific Officers, and from Licensed Radio Amateurs and advanced Hobbyists to Professionals and Corporations. The VNWA prides itself on good product support. not only from the Designer Tom Baier and ourselves at SDR-Kits, but equally importantly by the more than 3000 Members of the VNWA Yahoo User group.

  • In October 2015 SDR-Kits was appointed by SDRplay as the first Distributor outside North America to sell their popular Radio Spectrum Processor - the RSP1, followed in November 2016 by their second new Product - the RSP 2 with many new features. Currently, we stock the complete range of Receivers from SDRplay.

  • In 2016 SDR-Kits selected the Precision GPS Reference Oscillator manufactured buy Leo Bodnar Limited as the preferred external Frequency Reference Clock for the VNWA. In return SDR-Kits was appointed an Authorized Distributor for this product.  
  • SDR-Kits is proud to serve our many Customers Worldwide or through our Resellers: ICAS Enterprises in Tokyo since 2011.

  • Recently, we have developed the DG8SAQ VNWA 3SE - the first fully automatic 2 Port model in its price range. Available as SMA, BNC or N-Connector version.